So, I’m slow.  I’m finally getting around to the last bit of pictures from Hurricane Irene, only a few months late.  Lots more pictures located here: for your viewing pleasure. There are basement pictures, street aftermath, even a guest appearance from our controversy-free mayor. The last one was slightly sarcastic if you didn’t notice.… Read More

I’ve added a few videos, like of the fire truck making waves in my new door-front babbling brook, all of which can be found in my photo site.  My upstairs neighbors went for a walk, here is Elif with something in her shoe (water perhaps?). How bad is/was the flooding?  Well, the image to the… Read More

I just heard the fog horn of a large ship.  I certainly hope it remains at least a two blocks away.  Its wake may take out a few buildings.  I also heard a building fire alarm but couldn’t tell from which direction it came.  I just surprised I only heard one. The flooding is hitting… Read More

The police came by with an announcement over the loud speaker; it was garbled and unintelligible. I heard someone scream out their window “What?!”  Indeed Ma’am, what. This is a live video of the pier at the end of my street and is updated every ten minutes.  This camera is looking either NE or… Read More

As the camera panned down the beach, the news reporter said they used a bulldozer pushing sand to form a “Maginot Line” – what an amazing bit of amount of irony on the news. Around 17:30, the rain finally started falling consistently, if only a light sprinkle, after a day of rain and dry in… Read More

So, there is a bit of a small squall starting around here.  Irene, Ilean, Dixie’s Midnight Runners, meh. So far, we’ve cleaned off the roof to keep projectiles from breaking skylights, put the trash cans into the utility room, and duct taped the Bilco doors to keep the rush of basement-bound water to a trickle. … Read More